Stephen Brown, British Columbia’s Deputy Minister of Health, was the special guest at VPSA’s January 9 Breakfast with Leaders session. He talked candidly with VPSA physicians as well as VCH leaders and representatives from Doctors of BC and the Specialist Services Committee about physician engagement and why it matters. DM Brown’s journey to the Ministry The deputy minister began the conversation by explaining how he came to the Ministry of … Read More
VPSA AGM celebrates our diversity as well as our shared experiences
Close to 100 Vancouver Physician Staff Association members gathered December 17 for the association’s annual general meeting and to hear the evening’s guest speaker, Dr. Eric Cadesky, the president of Doctors of BC, talk about diversity and inclusion. Dr. Cadesky also spoke of the pressure physicians are working under and its impacts and consequences, including people becoming tribal rather than engaging with their colleagues. “It’s harmful when we start to … Read More
Tips to make meetings worth your precious time
When VPSA advertised its first in-house Physician Leadership Institute workshop entitled Facilitating Meetings, it struck a chord with members and the available spaces quickly filled. Physicians clearly recognize the value of learning to lead meetings that are productive, efficient and useful for all. “A common complaint of many physicians and physician leaders is the wasted time and energy at meetings,” said the workshop’s facilitator Mary Yates, who participants described as … Read More
Taking engagement to the next level
The province-wide Facility Engagement Initiative (FEI) was created to build physician engagement and trust. VPSA FEI activities have been ongoing since October 2016, with medical staff identifying and prioritizing issues, and committees forming to deliver members’ priorities. Yet three health authority engagement surveys later, the needle has not moved on developing meaningful engagement between VPSA physicians and VCH leadership. To turn the tide, a joint physicians and leaders workshop was … Read More
A family doctor in Nepal
Former GF Strong hospitalist Dr. Joanna Mereu holds a special place in her heart for the Nepalese Spinal Cord Collaboration (SpiNepal). This charitable organization works closely with Nepal’s specialized spinal injury unit, the Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Centre (SIRC), near Kathmandu. Inspired by SpiNepal’s founders (Dr. Peter Wing, retired spine surgeon, and his wife, retired physiatrist Dr. Claire Weeks), Dr. Mereu worked in Nepal this past spring. She spoke at GF … Read More