The Community Building & Wellness Task Group focuses on building our VPSA physician community both via networking events and through a focus on wellness and physician resiliency-building activities that are of interest to members.

The team is also responsible for planning, coordinating and helping to execute biannual all-member engagement events and a wide range of activities and events to match varied interests.

Two-hour monthly meetings; sessional funding is provided.

Click here for this committee's terms of reference.

This task group is currently recruiting one member. Click here for the application form.

Task Group Members

VPSA Operations Director Andrew Pinfold, Chair

Dr. Anna Borowska

Dr. Jen Chen

Dr. Fahreen Dossa

Dr. Soma Ganesan

Dr. Asim Iqbal

Dr. Junella Lee

Dr. Lesley Wood

Dr. Hanieh Zargham