Over 20 women physicians and a handful of “manbassadors” gathered January 29 for a VPSA-sponsored Appreciative Inquiry workshop into a future where women and men physicians are working equally and together in strong leadership roles at VCH for the very best for our staff, as well as our patients, their families and supporters. Currently only 19 per cent of VCH’s medical leaders are women and the past four appointments are … Read More
Reconnect with meaning and purpose: Tips from Dr. Stephen Swensen, Professor Emeritus, Mayo Clinic
A trusted expert and internationally recognized caregiver advocate for reducing clinician fatigue and improving employee engagement, Dr. Stephen Swensen met with VPSA members for a number of special events this January. In a presentation open to all members, he shared lessons learned over his three-decade-long career with the Mayo Clinic. “Many physicians are working in a state of professional distress,” stated Dr. Swensen. “This goes beyond burnout and includes PTSD, … Read More
VPSA members meet with B.C. Deputy Minister of Health
Stephen Brown, British Columbia’s Deputy Minister of Health, was the special guest at VPSA’s January 9 Breakfast with Leaders session. He talked candidly with VPSA physicians as well as VCH leaders and representatives from Doctors of BC and the Specialist Services Committee about physician engagement and why it matters. DM Brown’s journey to the Ministry The deputy minister began the conversation by explaining how he came to the Ministry of … Read More