The Finance Committee in collaboration with the VPSA initiative manager provide oversight with respect to the financial tracking and reporting of the Engagement Initiative.

Objectives and Responsibilities

  • Oversees and ensures reporting requirements are met including legislative requirements.
  • Oversees contractual requirements.
  • Oversees the use of FEMS and ensures FEMS is being used properly.
  • Confirms and provides leadership for the establishment of policies for financial decision-making.
  • Creates a budget annually for the allocation of funds to be considered by the VPSA board.
  • Reviews budgets and makes recommendations. 

Committee Members

The committee consists of the VPSA treasurer (who chairs the committee), its president and the president-elect.

  • Dr. Adam Meneghetti, Committee Chair
  • Dr. Ka Wai Cheung
  • Dr. Michael Nimmo

Click here for this committee's terms of reference.