Planetary Health

The Vancouver Acute/Vancouver Community (VA/VC) Medical Staff Planetary Health Committee works to educate, engage, and empower medical staff to become planetary health leaders in their professional lives with the goal of increasing awareness within their departments and affiliated institutions to lead rapid change in systems and processes. The committee will collaborate with relevant stakeholders to ensure a unified message and shared purpose of work.

It is a  joint committee of the Vancouver Physician Staff Association  and Vancouver Coastal Health and is guided by Regional Medical Director of Planetary Health Dr. Andrea MacNeill’s framework for sustainable health-care systems.

Click here for the committee's terms of reference.

Monthly commitment of one to two hours. Sessional funding provided.

Committee Members

Dr. Matthew Bennett (chair)

Dr. Rashmi Chadha

Colin Chan, Regional Leader, Sustainable Clinical Services, VCH

Dr. Kelly Lau

Dr. Harpinder Nagi

Dr. David Smith

Dr. Tyler Smith