VPSA Leaders Forum
The VPSA Leaders Forum was created to enhance the work of our existing task groups and committees. It provides an opportunity for the task groups and committees to share updates on their activities and find synergies and efficiencies through increased collaboration.
The Leaders Forum meets quarterly for two hours. Click here for the Leaders Forum terms of reference.
- One VPSA physician representative from each VPSA and VPSA/VCH committee/task group
- VPSA Project Manager
- VPSA Director of Operations
- VPSA President and/or President-Elect*
- VCH Representatives (ex officio)
- Executive Director, Physician Engagement and Contract Strategies
- Senior Medical Director
- SSC Engagement Partner
*Members of the VPSA executive not specified above are invited to attend the Leaders Forum.
The VPSA Leaders Forum is chaired by one of the VPSA physician task group/committee representatives. The chair role rotates every meeting. The chairs facilitate orderly meetings, establish, in advance, a meeting schedule and agendas, and are responsible for the resolution of outstanding items arising during meetings they chair.