We are dedicated to helping Vancouver Community of Care physicians build a better working environment at VGH, UBC Hospital, GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre and Vancouver Community. We believe we can create the best place to work and provide the best patient care in the community and in the hospitals where we practice. We do this by engaging our members in a number of ways that help build collegial relationships. We help physicians to identify issues that matter most to them and we work with them to address priorities and support activities that foster a more connected, collaborative and caring community.

Vancouver Physician Staff Association (VPSA)
The Vancouver Medical Dental & Allied Staff’s engagement activities are coordinated by the Vancouver Physician Staff Association. This non-profit association was established in 2016 as part of the provincial Facility Engagement Initiative with the objectives of strengthening relationships, engagement and improving communication between Vancouver Coastal Health Authority's Vancouver Acute and Vancouver Community leaders and physicians who work or have privileges at VGH, UBC Hospital and GF Strong and in facilities within Vancouver Community. The VPSA Facility Engagement Initiative’s ultimate goal is creating a collaborative culture where physicians and health care leaders work together to share knowledge and make informed decisions that can improve patient care, the physician experience, and the cost effectiveness of the health care system.
Facility Engagement is funded through the Physician Master Agreement. Six of the seven British Columbia health authorities committed to a Memorandum of Understanding in 2014 to support greater engagement and collaboration with physicians. This MOU was renewed in 2019.
The VPSA board of directors oversees the Facility Engagement Initiative and provides guidance as to the initiative’s strategy, its vision, mission and direction. The board holds a fiduciary, ethical and legal responsibility to ensure the VPSA is managed soundly and is accountable to its physician members.
VPSA Board of Directors
Dr. Ka Wai Cheung, President
Dr. Michael Nimmo, Vice President
Dr. Adam Meneghetti, Treasurer
Dr. Fahreen Dossa, Secretary
Dr. Anna Borowska, Member at Large
Dr. Debra Miller, Member at Large
Dr. Alison Harris, Past President
Andrew Pinfold, Operations Director
Annapurna Chavali, Projects Manager
Cindy Liang, Administrative Assistant
Jill Lunde, Communications Lead