Frontline physicians connect with leaders at VC Appreciation Event

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Medical staff not invested in Game 6 of the Canucks’ playoff series took the opportunity to spend a beautiful spring evening at VanDusen Botanical Garden for our third annual Vancouver Community Appreciation Event. The evening has traditionally been held close to BC Family Doctors Day and is a chance to honour our VC colleagues for the work they do on the frontlines of health care. The evening was organized by … Read More

Paying tribute to our amazing physician residents

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Residency is an intense time of learning and growth. All physicians look back on their residency as a period of excitement—the joy of making the right diagnosis and the thrill of watching someone get better, along with the sadness of knowing when there is nothing more that can be done for a patient. It is also a time when new physicians create lasting professional relationships and come to understand the … Read More

Strategic plans take centre stage at latest meeting of VCH and VPSA senior leaders

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VPSA/VMDAS board and staff meet regularly with VCH senior leaders to develop a collaborative relationship between medical staff and the health authority. The May meeting included presentations on both VCH’s and VPSA’s latest strategic plans and how they align with each other. VCH’s renewed 2024-2029 Strategic Plan VCH Director, Strategy Deployment Lori Benning provided an overview of the health authority’s renewed plan, which is rolling out across the organization this … Read More

May Lunch and Learn shines spotlight on Small Steps, Big Idea funding

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Our Projects Committee was the focus of VPSA’s May Lunch and Learn session. Committee member Dr. Nicholas Lenskyj emphasized that he and other members are eager for VPSA physicians to apply for Small Steps, Big Idea funding for their projects. The group has tried to make the application process as simple as possible. It starts with a letter of intent to which committee members provide feedback. Physicians who are encouraged … Read More

VMDAS quarterly meeting report

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The May 13th VMDAS quarterly meeting focused on three areas of importance to members. Association President Dr. Ka Wai Cheung reported on VPSA’s new strategic plan. Elizabeth White and Rachel Lee reviewed findings from the latest Doctors of BC Health Authority Engagement Survey. And VC Senior Medical Director Dr. Michael Norbury gave an update on activities in Vancouver Community. VPSA Strategic Plan Dr. Cheung thanked everyone for their contributions to … Read More