Shaping our next strategic plan: VCH leaders provide input

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VPSA/VMDAS board and staff meet regularly with VCH senior leaders to develop a collaborative relationship between medical staff and the health authority. The December meeting offered VCH staff the opportunity to provide valuable input towards VPSA’s new strategic plan. There was also an update on wellness activities. VPSA strategic planning update VPSA’s 2024-2026 strategic plan is in its development stage. Board and staff members along with committee leads met in … Read More

The Polar Express rings true in the hearts of members

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VMDAS members and their families enjoyed a private screening of The Polar Express earlier this month. This holiday classic touches on many themes including the importance of believing, the value of friendship, respect for leadership and courage, and the beauty of being kind to others. The movie’s messages clearly struck a chord with our members: survey respondents gave the event a 93 per cent net promoter score, placing it in … Read More

The benefits of a plant-based diet: A cardiothoracic anesthesiologist weighs in

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Dr. Travis Schisler, his wife and three children have been eating a predominantly plant-based diet since 2015. At the time they were living in Pittsburgh while Dr. Schisler completed his fellowship in cardiothoracic anesthesia. “I changed my diet to a whole food plant-based pattern because I am convinced it is the healthiest dietary pattern in our Western food environment,” he said. “Day in and day out I look after patients … Read More

New board elected at AGM

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The boards of VMDAS and VPSA were ratified at our recent AGMs. Emergency medicine physician Dr. Ka Wai Cheung is our new president, with radiologist Dr. Alison Harris moving into the past president position. Pathologist Dr. Michael Nimmo, our former secretary, is now vice president; surgeon Dr. Adam Meneghetti continues as treasurer, with psychiatrist Dr. Debra Miller continuing in her role as a member at large. VPSA has two additional … Read More

The benefits of a plant-based diet: A cardiologist’s perspective

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The studies are clear. Increasing your intake of plant-based foods is associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. VGH cardiologist Dr. Matthew Bennett has taken this fact to heart. He and his wife committed to a vegan diet four years ago and haven’t looked back. “It was easier for me to go all in rather than have cheat days,” recalled Dr. Bennett, a member of the Division of Cardiology’s … Read More