Financial planning is not brain surgery… but for some it feels as challenging. Many of us do not have the skills and do not know how to maximize our earnings or plan for retirement. In an effort to increase members’ understanding of financial planning, VPSA sponsored a session recently with presenters Bernie Geiss, Warren Campbell, and Brent Bourne covering a wide range of topics and answering your questions. Topics covered … Read More
President’s Update
It’s been a tough year. We have faced unprecedented challenges both professionally and personally. I would like to thank each and every one of you for the sacrifices you have made and the commitment and dedication you have shown. The medical staff came together as we faced down the pandemic, with very good results. We all have high hopes for 2021. There is light at the end of the tunnel … Read More
Physicians and information technology at VCH
VPSA members gathered online and in person recently to hear from PHSA’s chief clinical information officer about opportunities and plans to advance digital health technologies. Dr. Damian Claydon-Platt talked about the challenge of how to bring the clinical and patient voice into IT decision making. “Digital disruption is here; it’s up to us to leverage the opportunity,” he said. “Physicians need to understand that digital transformation is not an IT … Read More
Fix the system to reduce physician burnout says wellness expert
Physician burnout is taking a heavy toll on patient care around the world. It was a problem before the pandemic, and it is an even greater issue today. So says Dr. Tait Shanafelt, Chief Wellness Officer, Stanford Medicine, Director of the WellMD Centre at Stanford Medicine, and Associate Dean for the Stanford School of Medicine. In his recent VPSA-sponsored talk, the international thought leader and top researcher in the field … Read More
Working towards improved physician wellness
Physician wellness is a VPSA priority. That’s why we are excited to collaborate with our health authority and participate on the VCH Physician Wellness Steering Committee. Our wellbeing has never been more important than during the COVID-19 pandemic and additional supports that have been long called for are now available. VPSA has organized wellness opportunities available to members during COVID-19 on a Google Drive folder with subfolders for different categories … Read More