Standing up to anti-Asian racism

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Vancouver saw more reported anti-Asian hate crimes in 2020 than any other city in North America according to a new report from the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University San Bernadino. That won’t come as a surprise to anyone of Asian descent: almost half of such British Columbians experienced a hate incident in the past year. To help begin a conversation about this and … Read More

VPSA-funded project aims to increase awareness of vaping resources for youth

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Vaping is becoming increasingly popular with youth. Healthcare workers are concerned as it can lead to nicotine addiction and other negative health effects. Healthcare and youth workers have other common concerns: the need to broadcast the same message and to have organized resources designed specifically for youth. With funding from the Vancouver Physician Staff Association’s Engagement Accelerator, the VGH Smoking Cessation Clinic and Legacy Airway for Health were able to … Read More

VPSA Dinner Groups – Getting to know the human side of your colleagues

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Burnout is a serious concern among physicians and addressing it will require systemic change. In the meantime, there are other steps you can take to build resilience. “One theme that emerged from the VA/VC wellness survey that VCH conducted last fall was the desire for greater peer support,” said Dr. Fahreen Dossa, co-chair of the VA/VC Physician Wellness Steering Committee and a member of VPSA’s Community Building and Wellness Task … Read More

VA/VC Physician Wellness Survey results reveal high levels of burnout

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“We are in the midst of a physician wellness crisis.” That is how Dr. Lucy Lyons, one of three physician co-chairs of the VA/VC Physician Wellness Steering Committee, opened the presentation about the results of last fall’s wellness survey of VA and VC physicians. The results were presented at the May 10 VMDAS quarterly meeting. “We wanted the survey to assess burnout but also its drivers and the underlying contributing … Read More

Addressing the gender pay gap

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Women in Canadian medicine consistently earn less than men. The pay gap exists within every medical specialty as well as between specialties: physicians in male-dominated areas receive higher remuneration. These were some of the facts used as background for an International Women’s Day presentation on Gender Equity in Medicine presented by the VCH Medical Staff Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiative that VPSA supports. Drs. Tara Kiran and Michelle Cohen … Read More