Doctors of BC president shares his optimism in the face of difficult challenges

JillHealthcareLeave a Comment

Dr. Matthew Chow was one of the guest speakers at the December 6th VMDAS/VPSA joint annual general meeting. Dr. Chow, who is finishing his term as president of the Doctors of BC, attended via Zoom and thanked all members for their dedication and commitment over this past difficult year.

“The pandemic has created many divisions in our society,” noted Dr. Chow. “There are anti-vaccine, anti-mask, and anti-government sentiments and there is polarity in society and among medical professionals. We also foresee big problems ahead including professional burnout, professional abuse, staffing shortages, geopolitical conflicts, economic turmoil, and the impacts of climate change.”

Despite these conditions, Dr. Chow stays hopeful, and he urges members to find ways to co-operate in order to move forward.

“My optimism is undiminished because of all of you,” he said. “The people I’ve met have shared their hopes, dreams and ideas that incorporate all of humanity and have the compassion that healthcare workers always bring to the table. We’re facing severe and intractable problems, but we can figure a way through them if we work together and have the courage to be vulnerable with one another.”

Dr. Chow ended his address on this note of hope and with thanks on behalf of the Doctors of BC for all the work our physicians do.

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