Join the VMDAS/VPSA board

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The nomination process is underway for the new board of the Vancouver Medical Dental and Allied Staff Association (VMDAS) and Vancouver Physician Staff Association (VPSA). If you have ever considered playing a role in fostering meaningful physician and allied staff representation to better serve patients, colleagues, and our health authority, please consider submitting your nomination. VMDAS/VPSA President Dr. Alison Harris and Vice President Dr. Ka Wai Cheung are entering the … Read More

Members cheer on Family-Friendly Lawn Bowling Event!

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The sun shone and so did the faces of members and their families at our recent lawn bowling event. A big shout out to Dr. Lesley Wood, a member of VPSA’s Community Building & Wellness Task Group, for organizing the occasion. “The day was a great opportunity for physicians to meet and make connections with other physicians and their families,” said Dr. Wood. “We received great feedback and many requests … Read More

October VPSA/VCH leaders meeting counts down to CST go-live

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VPSA board and staff meet monthly with VCH senior leaders. With just over three weeks before CST deployment, the October 13th meeting focused on Cerner implementation as well as updates on the VCH Medical Staff Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee and the Engaging Physicians in Indigenous Cultural (EPIC) Safety Task Group. CST update CST launches at VGH on Saturday, November 5. Dr. Vinay Dhingra reported that diversion and scaling down … Read More

Our newest members welcomed on board

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Every year VPSA hosts a Meet & Greet event to welcome the newest physicians to join Vancouver Acute and Vancouver Community. This year, the virtual meeting was held October 3rd with over 40 people attending. The hour-long occasion is an opportunity for new and seasoned physicians to hear welcoming words from senior leaders and to break the ice in breakout rooms. “We have close to 2,000 physician members spread out … Read More

Supporting VCH’s anti-racism strategy

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Racism exists within health care as do health inequities. How to do better for patients, for staff, and for medical staff is the goal of VCH’s anti-racism strategy. VPSA members had the opportunity to take part in anti-racism engagement sessions at Vancouver Acute sites over the summer as part of the Vancouver Coastal Health Anti-Racism Project. More sessions are planned for October at Vancouver Community sites (see below for details). … Read More