Physician recruitment a hot topic at latest senior leadership teams’ meeting

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VPSA/VMDAS board and staff meet regularly with VCH senior leaders to develop a collaborative relationship between medical staff and the health authority. The October meeting included a presentation on medical staff recruitment as well as an update on the VPSA strategic planning process and an appreciation of recent support around physician healing after loss. Supporting physician recruitment and retention Doctors of BC Engagement Partner Russell Stead outlined changes made to … Read More

Our wellness regional medical director recounts his journey

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Dr. Ashok Krishnamoorthy has been our regional medical director responsible for medical staff wellness for close to a year now. His path to this position was influenced by many factors, including two from his childhood that he shared at VPSA’s recent Dinner With Leaders event. Dr. Krishnamoorthy came from a family of farmers and landlords in southern India. Every 12 years, two million people would attend a nearby 10-day religious … Read More

Prescribing patients with a dose of nature

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There’s an evidence-based option available to Canadian physicians looking to offer their patients effective treatment: prescriptions to spend time in the great outdoors. That’s thanks to Dr. Melissa Lem and the PaRx program. Dr. Lem shared her passion for the program with a group of VMDAS members recently as part of the Vancouver Acute/Vancouver Community Medical Staff Planetary Health Committee’s speaker series. After hearing from Dr. Lem, members heeded the … Read More

VMDAS Family-Friendly event garners rave reviews

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VMDAS members and their families gathered recently for a great afternoon of lawn bowling, fantastic food, and networking. This was the third time VMDAS and VPSA have co-hosted the event, and, by all accounts, the day was perfect. “It is wonderful to have received such great feedback,” said Dr. Lesley Wood, a member of VPSA’s Community Building and Wellness Task Group and the event’s key organizer. “With a net promoter … Read More

VMDAS honours members with remarkable service

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There was a celebratory mood as VA and VC medical staff gathered September 18 in person and online to acknowledge members attaining service milestones as well as eight physicians who have made remarkable contributions to our communities of care. “This event is one of the highlights of our calendar,” said VMDAS President Dr. Alison Harris as she welcomed attendees. “This year, we’ll hear from representatives of medical staff observing five, … Read More