VPSA awards funding to five groups for commensality sessions

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It’s well known that having a sense of community and connection is good for our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. That’s why VPSA is funding a six-month commensality group pilot program. Five applications were approved for this first round: three from the Department of Family Medicine; one from Neurology; and another from Psychiatry. Commensality groups have been shown to reduce physician burnout, decrease depression, and improve job satisfaction. Originally studied … Read More

Celebrating members’ achievements and service at VMDAS Annual Awards

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Vancouver Medical, Dental and Allied Staff Association members gathered online and in person September 12 for the association’s 2022 Annual Awards celebration. Over 350 members (representing more than 5,000 years of patient care) were recognized for years of service milestones, while nine physicians were honoured with Academic Awards. The association, which includes physicians, nurse practitioners, dentists and podiatrists who work in Vancouver Acute and Vancouver Community, earlier acknowledged all members … Read More

Anti-racism plan discussed during September VPSA/VCH leaders meeting

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VPSA board and staff meet monthly with VCH senior leaders. The focus of the September meeting was an overview of VCH’s anti-racism strategy, as well as updates on medical staff orientation and on the work of the VA/VC Physician Wellness Steering Committee. VCH’s Anti-Racism Strategy VCH’s Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Susanna Tam gave an update on the strategy and ways the health authority is currently working to engage … Read More

VPSA’s CST Task Group: Working to support you

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With the implementation of Clinical Systems and Transformation just around the corner, VPSA’s CST Task Group is offering additional supports for physician members. The group, which includes Chair Dr. Raheem Kherani along with Drs. Fahreen Dossa, Geoffrey Law and Darren Lee, meets monthly with Vancouver Acute’s CST Medical Leadership team to discuss ways to assist you as well as to voice your concerns and feedback. “I am pleased to be … Read More

August VPSA/VCH leaders meeting focuses on Indigenous cultural safety

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VPSA board and staff meet monthly with VCH senior leaders. The August meeting centred on the newly formed VPSA EPIC Task Group with additional updates on diversity, equity and inclusion as well as CST implementation. Engaging Physicians in Indigenous Cultural Safety (EPIC) Task Group It’s well known that our province’s Indigenous peoples have worse health outcomes than its non-Indigenous citizens. The systemic racism that exists in our health system and … Read More