Call for VCH Physician Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Working Group members

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The VCH Physician DEI Committee and working groups began in November 2019 following a presentation to the VCH Board of Directors. There are three working groups and an overarching committee initially composed of physicians from Vancouver Acute, Vancouver Community, and other representation across VCH. Over the last 18 months, new members from Richmond have joined the working groups, and members from all Communities of Care have attended focus groups and … Read More

VPSA funding assists with development of a site for sore eyes

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During the pandemic, access for patients with urgent and semi-urgent ophthalmic complaints was fragmented and often led to patients being funnelled to emergency departments in regional hospitals throughout the Lower Mainland. This highlighted the urgent need to innovate how such ophthalmic care is delivered. Drs. Zaid Mammo, Salina Teja, and Vivian Yin sought to develop a model for rapid access to eye care that crossed health authority boundaries through an … Read More

President’s update

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The Vancouver Physician Staff Association works to strengthen relationships between VCH and physicians who work at VGH, UBC Hospital, GF Strong, and Vancouver Community. Our goals are lofty: we aim to improve the physician work environment, the delivery of patient care, and the cost effectiveness of the health care system. To achieve our objectives, the Board meets regularly with our health authority’s senior leadership team and oversees the work of … Read More

Indigenous physician leaders working to bring about system transformation

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The release in 2020 of the In Plain Sight report was a wakeup call about the need to address Indigenous-specific racism and discrimination in BC’s health care system. All health care workers have important roles to play in creating positive change, beginning by examining our beliefs, building our understanding of the past and present reality of health care for Indigenous peoples, and considering the role we can each play in … Read More

Standing up to the bystander effect in medicine

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Anti-Asian hate crimes increased 878 per cent in 2020 according to a Vancouver Police Department third-quarter key performance indicator report. With racial tensions running high, our Asian Canadian physician colleagues are on the frontline of two wars: fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and racism. Speaking up for our Asian colleagues and patients is one of the ways we can create allyship and resilience. We need to overcome the bystander effect where … Read More