“Physician burnout is an occupational hazard”

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Physician burnout has been recognized for over 20 years and there has been an explosion of research on the topic in the last 10. Organizations are now beginning to recognize the toll it takes on the healthcare system and the provision of care. The Canadian Medical Association appointed Dr. Caroline Gérin-Lajoie to the new position of vice president of physician health and wellness in October 2018 in part to address … Read More

VPSA celebrates the work of women physicians

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In anticipation of International Women’s Day 2020, the Vancouver Physician Staff Association canvassed members for the names of women physicians who have made extraordinary contributions to the workplace. We salute all our female members and invite you to read about the women who agreed to be profiled this year. Dr. Sujaatha Narayanan Dr. Narayanan is the medical director of the Leukemia/Bone Marrow Transplant Program of British Columbia. She graduated from … Read More

Working together for physician engagement and better patient care

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Facility engagement. Diversity, equity, and inclusion. Leadership development. Physician wellbeing. If you thought for a moment these are all priorities your VPSA addresses, you wouldn’t be wrong. They are also VCH portfolios that Associate Vice President of Medicine, Quality & Safety Dr. Chad Kim Sing has been working to bring together under the same umbrella for the past year. Dr. Kim Sing spoke about his work at a recent VPSA … Read More

President’s Update

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I take my role as president of your medical staff association and the Vancouver Physician Staff Association seriously. One of my goals for my first year in office is to build on the important foundation built by my predecessors. Reaching all our close to 1,900 members is challenging and we know we need to enhance the profile of both the MSA and VPSA amongst the medical and surgical membership. We … Read More

Climate change is happening – What can physicians do?

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Whether you see climate change as the biggest health threat or its greatest opportunity of the 21st century, there is no doubt that global warming is already making a significant difference to our health. That was one of the messages that emerged at the first part of My Hospital Footprint. This three-part series looks at hospitals’ carbon footprints and asks how we can reduce our impact on climate change. Setting … Read More