VCH CIO talks about the role of technology in our work

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In an effort to increase communication between doctors and VCH leadership, VPSA hosts monthly breakfast meetings where matters of mutual interest can be discussed. VCH Chief Information Officer Ron Quirk was the series’ guest in May. Ron returned to VCH in September 2017 following a failed retirement during which he went from supporting health care systems and technology to being a health care consumer. He came to see the overwhelming fragmentation … Read More

Town hall shines light on Vancouver MSA’s advocacy role

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There was spirited discussion amongst the physicians who met April 23 for the joint VPSA/Vancouver CoC Medical, Dental & Allied Staff Association’s town hall. The hot topics: the Vancouver MSA’s role as an advocate; and the opportunity to participate in a VGH physician lounge “dotmocracy.” “As the association’s new president, I want to know what members want,” began Dr. Simon Rabkin. “We’re in this together; your MSA can work to … Read More

The art and science of leadership: Dr. Faisal Khosa offers inspiring words

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Leadership takes many forms. That was one of the takeaways from a recent Vancouver Physician Staff Association (VPSA) Unique Lives in Medicine luncheon. The guest speaker was our colleague, Dr. Faisal Khosa, a VGH radiologist as well as an award-winning scholar, researcher, mentor and philosopher. “What do all great leaders have in common,” Dr. Khosa challenged his audience. “They are beyond involved; they are fully committed. A good leader is … Read More

VPSA accepting funding proposals for Small Steps, Big Ideas

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VPSA wants to bring more physicians and nursing and allied health staff together to connect, collaborate and care. The Small Steps, Big Idea initiative will provide selected VPSA applicants with funding ($1,000 to $5,000) to develop concepts that will engage physicians and their colleagues, improve patient care, develop better communication, and/or build relationships across specialties, departments and with community members. If you have an idea, we want to hear from … Read More

VCH General Legal Counsel and Privacy Officer Steven Tam speaks about privacy issues

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In an effort to build relationships between doctors and VCH leadership, the Vancouver Physician Staff Association (VPSA) hosts monthly breakfast meetings where matters of mutual interest can be discussed. General Legal Counsel & Chief Privacy Officer Steven Tam was the guest on April 4. “We want to move the way privacy is handled, not just within VCH, but also provincially,” stated Steven. “The digitization of health records means there’s a lot … Read More