Writing for Wellness

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In March 2023, nine physicians who care for cancer patients gathered for a three-day writing retreat in a beautiful retreat centre in the rainforest of the west coast of BC. The goal of the session, which included palliative care physicians, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, and psychiatrists, was to provide a safe space to explore the complex emotional landscape of working with illness, death, and grief through the creative process of … Read More

Ways to acknowledge National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

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Canada marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation each year on September 30. The day honours the children who never returned home from residential schools and the survivors, as well as their families and communities. September 30 is also Orange Shirt Day, an Indigenous-led grassroots commemorative day intended to raise awareness of the individual, family, and community inter-generational impacts of residential schools. VMDAS and VPSA encourage members to wear orange on … Read More

Commensality group funding expands to 18 groups

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Getting together informally is one of the best ways to create collegiality. Creating a sense of community and connection is good for our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. That’s why VPSA is funding more commensality groups, awarding 18 groups for this fiscal year up from five in last year’s pilot program. VPSA approved applications from the Emergency Department (2), Family Medicine (4), Hospitalists (1), Obstetrics and Gynaecology (1), Physical Medicine … Read More

President’s update

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Many of us are taking the summer to enjoy time off with our families and friends. I hope everyone has the opportunity to rest and re-energize as the coming months will offer many great opportunities to strengthen our networks and sense of connection to our work. Your VPSA board members and staff are beginning a new strategic planning process; our goal is to have our new plan in place by … Read More

2023 Hall of Honour celebrates new inductees

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Four physicians notable for bringing distinction to VGH, UBC Hospital and/or GF Strong were inducted into the VCH Medical Staff of Honour recently. VMDAS recognized Dr. Mark Fitzgerald posthumously along with Drs. Robert McGraw, Jerrilyn Prior, and Richard Simons for their significant contributions. Their exceptional leadership, clinical, and academic service have profoundly benefited the residents of British Columbia. “This is the greatest honour VGH can bestow on its physicians and … Read More