The Kudos Project: Show your colleagues you care!
A simple thank you goes a long way.
The next time you notice a VPSA colleague going above and beyond, send them a thank you care of VPSA. We’ll let your colleague know and, with permission, post your kudos to our website. Let’s put physician team well-being front and centre!
Recognize your colleagues for something you feel is extraordinary. It might be:
- Providing excellent patient care
- Going the extra mile
- Being a team player
- Demonstrating amazing patience
- Showing true leadership
- Modelling kindness
Send a thank you to a VPSA colleague by filling in our digital form.
Here are some of the kudos sent so far (we only post kudos if the sender agrees):
Dr. Fahreen Dossa sent kudos to Dr. Sarah Barrett for showing true leadership. She wrote, "Dr. Barrett goes beyond the call of duty to assist and facilitate trainees and junior colleagues. Her awe-inspiring commitment to helping those in need makes Dr. Barrett an exemplary role model."
Dr. Tiffany Chong sent kudos to Dr. Michelle Thielmann for providing excellent patient care. She wrote, "Dr Thielmann provides excellent patient care. She is thorough and spends extra time communicating with patients and families. She also a team player who is flexible and tries to help work around our team's schedule."
Dr. Shaqil Peermohamed sent kudos to Dr. Alissa Wright for showing true leadership. He wrote, "As our Division Head, Dr. Alissa Wright puts in countless hours to advocate for our Division, increase capacity, and support every member. Her passion, dedication, and commitment to enhancing our Division should be commended!"
Dr. Tiffany Chong sent kudos to Dr. Rosario Leonor for providing excellent patient care. She wrote, "Thank you for your excellent patient care and spending extra time with patients' families."
Dr. Raheem Kherani sent kudos to Dr. Mollie Carruthers for showing true leadership. He wrote, "Thank you to Dr Mollie Carruthers for leading an important initiative on Gender Pay Equity in Rheumatology. This is critical for ongoing equity within Rheumatology, and in Medicine, generally."
Dr. Fahreen Dossa sent kudos to Dr. Asim Iqbal for going the extra mile. She wrote, "A truly supportive, inspiring colleague who has gone above and beyond the call of duty many times especially in his wellness leadership work."
Dr. Junella Lee sent kudos to Dr. Jennifer Yao for showing true leadership. She wrote, "Demonstrating true leadership, Dr Jennifer Yao shared empathy, patience and wisdom as a mentor in the Physician Mentorship Program. Thank you!"
An anonymous contributor sent kudos to Dr. Andrew Campbell for being a team player. They wrote, "An amazing team player in the ED - always keen to chat with nursing staff, help physician colleagues tidy up and make sure our R1s are managing OK when they're alone overnight!"
Dr. Heather Stuart sent kudos to Dr. Trevor Hamilton for being a team player. She wrote, "Trevor always has time to help his colleagues. Whether in the OR, or looking at a CT scan or discussing his case. He makes you feel like you are important and always goes the extra mile for to engage with those around him. We are fortunate to have him as a colleague."
Dr. Heather Stuart sent kudos to Dr. Peter Kim for showing true leadership. She wrote, "Peter treats others with such a high level of compassion and consideration that it raises the bar for all those around him. He leads with kindness and dedication and it inspires others around him to be better. We are lucky to have him as a colleague."
Dr. Julie Nguyen sent kudos to Dr. Tiffany Chong for providing excellent patient care. She wrote, "Dr. Chong provides excellent patient care and ensure a smooth transition to community. One of the best doctors I have worked with."
Dr. Lily Proctor sent kudos to Dr. Gurdial Dhillon for being a team player. She wrote, "Engages multidisciplinary team to provide excellent patient care. Uses junior learners effectively."
An anonymous contributor sent kudos to Dr. Jens Lohser for showing true leadership. They wrote, "Leading the department through growth and change with humbleness and humility."
An anonymous contributor sent kudos to Dr. Marcus Tholin for modelling kindness. They wrote, "Always helping and giving his all."
Dr. Katherine Paton send kudos to the VH Neuroradiology group for going the extra mile. She wrote, "The whole group has repeatedly shown amazing team response to a colleague with urgent clinical outpatients and expedited scanning (and reporting) that made a difference to patient care - changed diagnosis and got timely treatment. Makes it a team effort looking after patients, and avoiding unnecessary ER visits, not an insurmountable system barrier to get a necessary scan. A million thanks!"
Dr. Lesley Wood sent kudos to Dr. Junella Lee for modelling kindness. She wrote, "Modeling kindness to others and being a team player!"
Dr. Sakara Hutspardol sent kudos to Dr. Margaret Roche for going the extra mile. Dr. Hutspardol wrote that Dr. Roche is passionate about transfusion medicine and process improvement.
Dr. Fahreen Dossa sent kudos to Dr. Junella Lee for modelling kindness. Dr. Dossa wrote that Dr. Lee is just an all round incredible colleague who has always demonstrated kindness, thoughtfulness, intelligence, and collaboration. "She is simply wonderful to work with. Thank you, Junella, for all that you do and for being inclusive and kind to everyone you meet!"
The Kudos Project is an initiative of our Community Building and Wellness Task Group.