CST is coming... Are you ready?

    We want to hear from you about CST

    Clinical + Systems Transformation - CST - is coming to VCH-Vancouver in mid-2020, and we want to hear from you.

    If you're an acute care physician, or if you work at one of VCH-Vancouver's inpatient mental health and substance use sites, or at a VCH-Vancouver long-term care residential site, we want to know...

    What are your thoughts about moving to a new clinical information system (CST Cerner)?

    Do you know how CST Cerner will benefit you and your patients/clients? Do you look forward to working with CST Cerner? How confident are you that we'll achieve CST benefits?

    Your feedback will inform VCH-Vancouver's CST Steering Committee and their plans to support you as we prepare to implement CST in 2020.

    Please complete the CST Vancouver Survey here before Monday, October 7.

    Thank you for your participation.

    Learn more about CST in Vancouver

    VCH-Vancouver CST website: our.cstproject.ca/Vancouver

    Do you have a question about CST?

    Check out our FAQs here on the VCH-Vancouver CST website or email CSTVancouver@vch.ca.

    Remember: You'll need your VCH domain\username and password (just like logging into webmail) to access the VCH-Vancouver CST website.