Three things you need to know about VCH computer upgrades

        Upgrades of VCH-issued computers are well underway and on track for CST go-live in VCH-Vancouver.

        This initiative — known as Future Workspace — will benefit all VCH-Vancouver computer users, including future CST Cerner users at Vancouver acute, inpatient mental health and VCH-owned and operated long-term care sites.

        If you’re still working with a VCH-issued desktop or laptop computer running the Windows 7 operating system, here are three things you need to know:

        1. You’ll benefit from a new and improved replacement. You’ll be equipped with a new and improved computer installed with the most up-to-date Windows 10 operating system and updated versions of authorized software. Your old keyboard, mouse, monitor and/or laptop docking station will be replaced too. Note: Replacement generally takes 30 minutes to 1 hour.
        1. You may be asked to participate in testing. Testing your workflow in Windows 10 will help minimize disruptions during the transition — and it’s easy. Simply use the provided test workstation as you would use your regular workstation. The Future Workspace team will document your workflow steps, user experience and any technical issues if they arise.
        1. You’ll have advance notice. Your Future Workspace Primary Point of Contact (PPC) will ensure you have lots of advance notice about your scheduled upgrade and how to prepare.

        Learn more about Future Workspace

        Use your health authority domain\username and password (just like logging into webmail) to access these resources:

        Learn more about CST in Vancouver

        • Attend: Vancouver CST Update on December 5 (10 am) at VGH Paetzold Auditorium (webcast option here)

        Accessible anywhere you are, VCH-Vancouver’s CST website is your go-to resource for everything CST. To access outside the VCH network, log in with your health authority domain\username and password.