The benefits of mindfulness for physicians

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Mindfulness—the ability to focus your awareness calmly and nonjudgmentally on the present moment—is becoming a popular technique among people of all ages, backgrounds and professions. The positive health effects of mindfulness have also been shown by a number of studies, although the exact neural mechanisms involved remain unclear. Practicing mindfulness can be especially effective in helping physicians increase their own personal well-being while improving empathy and psychosocial beliefs, which are … Read More

New physicians welcomed on board

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Over 150 physicians have joined the Vancouver Community of Care team in 2018 and, for many, it’s been a learning process navigating the many channels before settling into their new positions. To help them build their networks, the Vancouver Physician Staff Association (VPSA) reached out to our new and senior physicians and invited them to a Meet & Greet event this past September 17. “The Facility Engagement Initiative believes that … Read More