Addressing gender inequities in medical leadership

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In its ongoing work to identify and overcome barriers preventing women physicians from assuming more leadership roles in VCH Vancouver Acute and Vancouver Community, the Vancouver Physician Staff Association (VPSA) hosted an Appreciative Inquiry on April 17. VPSA members and VCH leaders gathered to build on the work of an earlier inquiry and a networking event and Physician Leadership Institute workshop. “We’re here today because we’re passionate about diversity in … Read More

Medical leadership for women events emphasize need for confidence, grit, and resilience

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Women are changing the face of medicine. They make up more than half the students in medical schools and in 2014 over 38 per cent of practicing physicians were female. That number is expected to rise to more than 45 per cent by 2025. Yet women physicians remain under-represented in high-level executive, academic and leadership positions. The reasons are many and varied. Gender stereotypes play a part as does a … Read More

VPSA networking event brings together physicians from across the Vancouver Community of Care

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Close to 100 physicians from the Vancouver Community of Care gathered recently for a VPSA networking event that provided an opportunity for members to get to know colleagues from across specialties and sites. The chance to break down barriers and silos was a common theme throughout the evening. “We are 1,900 members and many tribes,” acknowledged VPSA co-chair Dr. Lyne Filiatrault when she addressed the group. “It’s natural that we … Read More