Close to 100 physicians from the Vancouver Community of Care gathered recently for a VPSA networking event that provided an opportunity for members to get to know colleagues from across specialties and sites. The chance to break down barriers and silos was a common theme throughout the evening. “We are 1,900 members and many tribes,” acknowledged VPSA co-chair Dr. Lyne Filiatrault when she addressed the group. “It’s natural that we … Read More
VPSA accepting funding proposals for Small Steps, Big Ideas
VPSA wants to bring more physicians and nursing and allied health staff together to connect, collaborate and care. The Small Steps, Big Idea initiative will provide selected VPSA applicants with funding ($1,000 to $5,000) to develop concepts that will engage physicians and their colleagues, improve patient care, develop better communication, and/or build relationships across specialties, departments and with community members. If you have an idea, we want to hear from … Read More