Priority 4 Progress Report - February 2023
Develop comprehensive internal and external communications procedures
A. Increase awareness of VPSA efforts and importance in Vancouver Acute and Vancouver Community
- VPSA’s weekly newsletter is distributed to approximately 2,050 recipients. Its open rates have increased from 38 per cent in 2021 to 52 per cent in 2022.
B. Increase VPSA communication to and with members
- The Communications Committee continues to consider different ways to connect with our members and track their effectiveness.
C. Increase attendance at VMDAS and VPSA quarterly meetings
- Meeting attendance has increased 88 per cent since 2019 (63 to 119) and 12 per cent from 2021 to 2022 (107 to 119)
D. Strengthen the Communications Committee
- The committee now includes physician representation both from a member at large and via representation from the board.
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