Priority 3 Progress Report - February 2023
Implement robust performance management, monitoring and evaluation systems, and succession planning throughout VPSA
A. Monitor and evaluate progress and completion of strategic plan goals
- Work is ongoing; items set out in the timeline have been completed.
B. Evaluate methods of engagement with members and health authority leadership
C. Develop a succession plan for the VPSA board and committees
- All committees now have terms of reference with term lengths.
- The board has initiated staggered terms and a president-elect position.
- Leveraging the VPSA Leaders Forum, there is now intentional recruitment to the board from existing VPSA committee and task group members. This has resulted in two new members being recruited.
D. Develop a succession plan for VPSA staff
- Work in this area is ongoing. Processes and procedures have been implemented to ensure continuity in the event of an unplanned and extended absence of a senior staff person.
E. Implement a performance management system for VPSA staff
- A staff performance review process that follows the Doctors of BC guidelines has been established. This includes the board annually assessing the performance of the most senior staff person in a predetermined and fair way that includes input from internal and external stakeholders.
F. Develop an ongoing self-assessment process for the VPSA board
- Board members will conduct a self-evaluation process in March 2023.
G. Develop and implement a selection rubric for VPSA projects
- A selection rubric has been created that aligns with the project application form and VPSA priorities.
H. Improve collaboration between VPSA and PLQI
- Several meetings have occurred with various PLQI managers to ensure strategic alignment with VPSA projects.
- Pros and cons of collaboration were discussed with the PLQI manager, advisor, the Facility Engagement regional manager, VCH, and other stakeholders.
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