Planetary Health Resources
Low carbon inhaler resources
Making thoughtful and healthy food choices
- Food Planet Health - Summary Report of the EAT-Lancet Commission
- Plant-based recipes submitted by your colleagues
- Plant-based restaurants
- January = Veganuary (2023)
Profiles of colleagues who follow plant-based diets
- Dr. Matthew Bennett
- Dr. Travis Schisler
- Dr. Randall White
- Dr. Jan Hajek
- NP Jennifer Bramley
- Dr. Olivia Brooks and Dr. Matt Brooks
- Dr. Margot Davis
- Dr. Rashmi Chadha
- Dr. Harpinder Nagi
- Dr. Tyler Smith
- Clearing the Air - Greencare post on VGH anesthesiologists innovating for a healthier planet
- Climate impact of inhaler therapy in the Fraser Health region, 2016-2021 by Dr. Kevin Liang
Climate Change and Radiology: Impetus for Change and a Toolkit for Action by Dr. Maura Brown
- Mitigating the climate impact of asthma therapy by Drs. Val Stoynova and Celia Culley
Net zero healthcare: a call for clinician action by Dr. Andrea MacNeill
Learning to treat the climate emergency together: social tipping interventions by the health community by Dr. Andrea MacNeill
- Safeguarding human health in the Anthropocene epoch: report of the Rockefeller Foundation - Lancet Commission on planetary health
Video webinars
- Canadian medical schools declaration for planetary health
- Therapeutics Initiatives: Environmental impact of medications
- Gloves aren't magic: Gloves don't disappear after you use them
- Gloves aren't magic: Think before you don
- Gloves aren't magic: Gloves don't replace hand hygiene
- Mobibikes VCH discounts (requires VCH login)
- VGH Commuter Centre