International Women's Day 2020

    VPSA celebrates the work of women physicians

    In anticipation of International Women’s Day 2020, the Vancouver Physician Staff Association canvassed members for the names of women physicians who have made extraordinary contributions to the workplace. We salute all our female members and invite you to read about the women who agreed to be profiled this year.

    Dr. Marthe Kenny Charles

        Dr. Charles is the head of Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention and Control at VCH​.

        She was born in Montréal and decided to become a microbiologist at the age of seven after reading a book about Louis Pasteur. She graduated from the Université de Montreal with a bachelor’s degree in microbiology and immunology (2006), a master’s degree in microbiology, and a medical degree (2010). Hearing the calling from the beautiful lands of the West, she went on to do her residency in Edmonton. Dr. Charles completed her training in 2016 and is now a certified medical microbiologist and an infectious diseases specialist.

        When not in the laboratory or at the bedside of a patient, Dr. Charles enjoys long hikes, skating, dancing salsa, or reading the most recent bestseller.

        What advice would you give to young women considering entering medicine in 2020? ​

        “Listen to your inner voice and believe in yourself and your abilities. Find a good mentor to help you in your path but also don't forget to pay it forward as you will surely inspire others on that path. Don't be afraid to seek a place at the (leadership) table, and once you reach it remember that your voice and opinion has value.”