Chief Medical Health Officer updates members on COVID-19 vaccinations

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VCH’s Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Patty Daly was the guest speaker at the February 1st VMDAS quarterly meeting. Dr. Daly spoke about the COVID-19 vaccination rollout and took questions from the virtual audience. “Canada,” she noted, “has purchase order agreements for more doses of vaccine per capita than any other country in the world. But, because there is no ability to manufacture vaccines in our country, we are reliant … Read More

Celebrating and commemorating members’ achievements and service

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VMDAS members gathered online and in person on September 14 for the announcement of the 2020 VMDAS awards for achievement and long service milestones. The pandemic has shined a light on how important the services that we provide are and the evening, presided over by VMDAS President Dr. Eric Yoshida and Vice-President Dr. Alison Harris ,was a chance to pay tribute to the extraordinary contributions members make to patient care … Read More

Interdisciplinary BC Brain Wellness Program underway at UBC Hospital

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The recent celebrations to launch the BC Brain Wellness Program were a very happy moment for VPSA member neurologist Dr. Silke Cresswell and her colleagues. She, along with sports medicine physician Dr. Jack Taunton, came up with the idea for the program. “Our goal is to establish clinically relevant lifestyle approaches to complement medical treatment in the clinics at the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health,” said Dr. Cresswell. “We … Read More

Introducing VPSA’s new managing director

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Dr. York Hsiang has been appointed as the Vancouver Physician Staff Association’s managing director. Dr. Hsiang, a professor of vascular surgery at UBC and consultant surgeon at VGH, has spent his 37–year career with VCH and is acknowledged as an outstanding medical leader. Dr. Hsiang’s priorities are to engage as many of VPSA’s 1,900 members as possible and to ensure the physician voice is recognized and is impactful at the … Read More

A family doctor in Nepal

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Former GF Strong hospitalist Dr. Joanna Mereu holds a special place in her heart for the Nepalese Spinal Cord Collaboration (SpiNepal). This charitable organization works closely with Nepal’s specialized spinal injury unit, the Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Centre (SIRC), near Kathmandu. Inspired by SpiNepal’s founders (Dr. Peter Wing, retired spine surgeon, and his wife, retired physiatrist Dr. Claire Weeks), Dr. Mereu worked in Nepal this past spring. She spoke at GF … Read More