Environmental and health impacts of your diet

JillHealthcare, NewsLeave a Comment

We know what we eat affects our health as well as the health of our planet. Sustainable diets are promoted as one of the ways we can reduce our environmental footprint, but less is known about their impact on our health. In the first of its speaker series, the Vancouver Acute/Vancouver Community Medical Staff Planetary Health Committee enlisted University of Oxford Senior Nutritional Epidemiologist Keren Papier to discuss sustainability and … Read More

VPSA awards funding to five groups for commensality sessions

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It’s well known that having a sense of community and connection is good for our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. That’s why VPSA is funding a six-month commensality group pilot program. Five applications were approved for this first round: three from the Department of Family Medicine; one from Neurology; and another from Psychiatry. Commensality groups have been shown to reduce physician burnout, decrease depression, and improve job satisfaction. Originally studied … Read More

Creating a safe and inclusive space for transgender and two-spirit people

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Dr. James Makokis went into medicine to make a difference in the lives of people. As a Nehiyô two-spirit physician, he is determined to bring the humanity back to medicine. He practices family medicine in Kinokamasihk Cree Nation in northeastern Alberta and has a transgender-health-focused practice in south Edmonton. He spoke to VPSA members and other VCH medical staff during a recent Zoom session about decolonizing medicine and offering safe and inclusive … Read More

Funding now available for physician commensality groups

JillHealthcare6 Comments

Commensality groups have been shown to reduce physician burnout, decrease depression, and improve job satisfaction. Originally studied and deployed at the Mayo Clinic, these groups are small gatherings of physicians who meet monthly for an hour to discuss issues central to the physician experience. Some departments and divisions at VCH have started their own commensality groups but a lack of funding has held others back. To assist, VPSA is launching … Read More

Diversity, equity, and inclusion making inroads at VCH

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It was an idea started in 2018 when then Senior Medical Director Dr. Marcel Dvorak asked VPSA members two questions: why don’t women want to participate in VCH leadership roles, and, what’s holding them back? Those questions sparked a series of appreciative inquiries and events hosted by VPSA with over 65 physicians and VCH leaders taking part. The result was Using All our Talents: Meaningful Leadership Opportunities for Women Physicians … Read More