Power in numbers: MSA presidents create new council

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VCH MSA presidents have formed a Presidents Council as a forum to share ideas and collaborate on initiatives that benefit all medical staff working at VCH.  The council plans to also include PHC in future meetings. Presidents from all nine medical staff associations will be represented on the council, which will work closely with its health authority partners as well as Doctors of BC.

The first meeting of the Presidents Council was held via Zoom on November 18, with the next meeting expected to be in February. The group’s terms of reference were reviewed, discussed, and approved at the initial meeting. VMDAS/VPSA President Dr. Ka Wai Cheung chaired, with the expectation that the chair role will rotate among the attending presidents. The council is expected to meet three to four times a year and decisions will primarily be made by consensus. Members are unanimous in their desire to share resources and to focus on common challenges and ways to realize improvements.

Also at the November meeting, VCH’s Interim Regional Medical Director for Wellness, Dr. Fahreen Dossa, and VPSA Operations Director Andrew Pinfold made a presentation on high-level results from the VCH-wide physician wellness survey that was conducted in mid-2024. (Dr. Dossa will present more detailed findings on Vancouver Acute and Vancouver Community survey responses at the February 24 VMDAS quarterly meeting; keep an eye on your weekly Checkup e-newsletter for registration details.) The survey revealed wide variations in burnout and professional fulfillment across different specialties and communities of care. The top drivers of burnout (workload, job demands, efficiency and resources, control and flexibility, organizational culture and values, social support and community at work, and workplace policies) require systemic and organizational changes. Attendees discussed the potential for sharing successful strategies and initiatives across different VCH sites and departments.

The MSA presidents are completing a survey on opportunities for further regional collaboration. The suggestions will provide direction for future Presidents Council meetings.

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