A huge thank you to the over 1,000 physicians who took part in our recent VCH-wide wellness survey; in an age of survey and email fatigue, this was a tremendous accomplishment. The results are now being compiled and we look forward to sharing the results with you as soon as they are available, likely in the fall.
Vancouver Acute and Vancouver Community physicians accounted for over 600 of the responses. This is an increase of over 25 per cent compared to the survey we administered in our communities of care in 2020.
While individual responses remain anonymous, we will receive aggregate results for the departments and divisions that achieved a minimum number of survey submissions. We will share these aggregate results with all stakeholders including our department and division heads. This will give us a better sense of people’s wellness (and wellness drivers) within our local work environments and allow us to focus interventions on local needs.
VPSA is grateful to our wellness leaders, as well as VA’s and VC’s department and division heads for their work in promoting the survey. A special thanks to Dr. Fahreen Dossa, Interim Regional Medical Director for Wellness, and Dr. Chad Kim Sing, Interim VP of Medicine, for their extra efforts to encourage survey participation.
“There was tremendous support from VCH in encouraging physicians throughout our health authority to take part. Thank you Salima Noormohamed (Regional Leader, Medical Staff Engagement & Program Development) and Lina Abouzaid (Manager, Medical Staff Engagement), for your excellent, creative, and tireless efforts,” said Dr. Dossa. “I would also like to thank VPSA’s admin staff for their top-notch work in promoting the survey and liaising with the data analytics team. A huge thank you to all our respondents and wellness champions. It was truly a team effort, and we have shown already that we are better together.”
We were pleased to be able to offer several draw prizes for physicians who took the survey. Fifteen gift cards were handed out. Major prize winners who consented to have their names published are:
- Drs. Stephanie Chartier Plante and Vicki Tong both won iPads.
- Drs. Loveleen Uppal and Jessica Brown both won a set of Airpods.
- The winner of the meal with Dr. Sing and/or a walk and talk in nature will be announced later.
Photo: Dr. Stephanie Chartier Plante, winner of an iPad (one of the survey draw prizes).