The benefits of a plant-based diet: A cardiologist encourages you to take the leap

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“There’s a lightness of being that comes from eating plant-based foods.”

That statement from cardiologist Dr. Margot Davis sums up her top reason for choosing a plant-based diet. Dr. Davis has been eating primarily plant-based foods for the past six years. She was initially inspired by the café that’s attached to the TurF fitness studio in Vancouver. She would follow up her workouts with a meal there and was impressed with how good the food tasted.

“I’ve never been a big fan of meat and never liked cheese or sauces, so transitioning to mostly plant-based foods was easy for me,” she said. “And it’s easier to tell people you’re vegan rather than telling them you’re picky!”

Dr. Davis notices that when she eats plant-based meals she feels better and less sluggish. Over time, she’s become more thoughtful about her food choices and feels that the planetary impact of our diets is now her primary reason for choosing plant-based meals.

Flexibility is key

While Dr. Davis eats mostly plant-based food, she will occasionally opt for fish. This flexibility is helpful when eating in restaurants and when travelling to places where vegan options are unavailable.

“Restaurant menus have certainly evolved since I first gave up meat and dairy but there are still times when there aren’t plant-based options,” she said. “To be sustainable, you have to roll with the punches.”


“People tell me all the time that it’s impossible to get enough protein on a plant-based diet, which simply isn’t true,” said Dr. Davis. “I make sure that’s there’s lots of beans, legumes, and tofu in my diet.”

She also finds that people think plant-based food doesn’t taste good.

“Well done plant-based food can be incredible and can be the best thing on a restaurant’s menu,” she said. “Those meals can be at an incredibly elevated culinary level. Plant-based meals are not just tofu slathered with sauce or food that’s made to taste like meat.”

A cardiologist’s perspective

Dr. Davis knows the benefits of a plant-based diet—and avoiding red meat—are well established for cardiovascular health.

“Being a cardiologist, I’m constantly exposed to the actual scientific literature that supports the choices I’m making. That’s validating for me. It also means when I’m talking to patients about the healthiest diets for them to follow, I typically recommend the Mediterranean diet, which is largely plant based. I explain there’s extensive evidence showing this is the best thing for their heart, and it’s also very achievable. It’s not a fad diet.”

Encouraging plant-based choices

Beyond the health and environmental reasons for choosing plant-based meals, Dr. Davis is a big proponent of their great taste. She recommends trying some of Vancouver’s plant-based restaurants including The Acorn and Aleph Middle Eastern Eatery.

“Try it out, plant-based meals are so not restricting!” she encouraged.

To get you going, check out our recipe collection webpage. We’re hungry for more plant-based recipes. If you have one (or more!) that you would like to share, please submit it here.

We’re also looking for more VPSA members who follow a plant-based diet to profile. If you’re interested, please send us an email.

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