Project funding creates rich data for palliative care initiative

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Imagine you have a serious, complex, and perhaps terminal illness. Now imagine you are one of the almost one million British Columbians who doesn’t have a primary care provider. You’re scrambling because, up until now, people living in Vancouver had to have a primary care provider to access specialized palliative care community services. Urgently needing to find a family physician or nurse practitioner at such a time in your life … Read More

More physicians join the VA/VC Medical Staff Planetary Health Committee

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Four new physicians are adding their voices to the Vancouver Acute/Vancouver Community (VA/VC) Medical Staff Planetary Health Committee. Drs. Matthew Bennett, Kelly Lau, David Smith, and Tyler Smith join committee chair Dr. Rashmi Chadha and Drs. Fahreen Dossa and Harpinder Nagi as VPSA representatives in promoting the committee’s work. The group’s mandate is to educate, engage, and empower medical staff to become planetary health leaders in their professional lives with … Read More

Caring for people with disabilities

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December 3rd is the UN-sanctioned International Day for Persons with Disabilities. Observing this day aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and to mobilize support for the dignity, rights, and well-being of people with disabilities. In 2017, the Canadian Survey on Disability estimated that 22 per cent of Canadians 15 and over had a disability; most had two or more types of disabilities. As medical staff, we encounter and … Read More

Senior leaders endorse new task group addressing substance use disorder

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VPSA/VMDAS board and staff meet regularly with VCH senior leaders to develop a collaborative relationship between medical staff and the health authority. The November meeting included discussion about new ways VPSA can support physician recruitment and retention and an update on the VCH Medical Staff EDI Committee’s strategic plan. A new VPSA task group—Substance Use Disorder Patient and Provider Experience—was also introduced. Substance Use Disorder Patient and Provider Experience Task … Read More