Gathering momentum for the wellness of our residents

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VPSA board and staff meet monthly with VCH senior leaders. This month, discussion centred around equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) initiatives and ideas for supporting residents’ well-being.

EDI update

VCH Regional Medical Director, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Dr Joy Masuhara provided a quick overview about work being undertaken by the VCH Medical Staff EDI Steering Committee. The committee has been recruiting new members; seven medical staff have expressed interest, including midwives and nurse practitioners. Committee members and other stakeholders will take part in a half-day facilitated strategic planning session early this year.

The Women Medical Staff Discussion Group that has run for a couple of years is currently taking a break, with an IBPOC Women Medical Staff Discussion Group launching February 1. A men’s EDI discussion group will also be starting soon and details are being worked on for a 2SLGBTQ+ affinity group. Plans are also underway for a Medical Staff EDI Journal Club Plus to debut in the next fiscal year.

Inclusive facilitation training has been offered and additional training will be available as some EDI sessions can be triggering. Training has been recorded so that those who missed it can view it.

A survey and focus group are anticipated soon on the topic of disability. Dr. Masuhara and her team are working on lactation policy development and have identified project managers at VGH, Richmond Hospital, and Lions Gate Hospital. They are looking for fixed spaces as well as areas for pods.

Dr. Masuhara anticipates a user guide for search and selection EDI best practice for medical leaders will be developed in collaboration with the VCH People Team in the next few months. A new round of EDI mentorship opportunities will roll out in April.

There are several EDI events coming up including two presentations from Dr. Modupe Tunde-Byass, President of Black Physicians of Canada, for Black History Month in February. SFU’s Dr. Julia Smith, who did a large study on the impact of COVID-19 on women, will give two presentations in March for International Women’s Day. VCH is currently working on its application to participate in this year’s Vancouver Pride Parade.

The 2022 Self ID and Workplace Experience Survey will be reported on during a January 19 townhall as well as at an upcoming medical staff forum. A report on the recent 2SLGBTQ+ survey and focus groups will be available soon.

Resident well-being

VPSA members have been meeting with VCH leaders to consider possible initiatives for residents (VCH is the employer of all residents in British Columbia). Leaders present at the meeting recognized that this is a large area, and believe dedicated staff are needed to manage the residents program and to address any concerns properly. With this as a focus, recruitment and retention may be easier and VCH will be able to monitor and improve the quality of its residents program. The current thought is that this responsibility would become part of Medical Affairs.

Over the past year, there has been discussion among other health authorities and the Ministry of Health about VCH taking on an enhanced role and creating more structure that would address residents’ workplace issues, wellness, and occupational health and safety concerns. More information is expected on this over the next few months.

Several immediate needs have been identified for the resident lounge. These include more computers and lockers, a lactation pod, snacks, and healthier options in the vending machines. Budgets are being reviewed to see which of these items can be addressed quickly.

VPSA successfully applied last year for the inaugural Dr. Masaru Yukawa Award for Innovation in Workplace Wellness. The intent is to use this funding to launch annual recognition awards for residents. Meetings are now underway to discuss the award details with the expectation that the first award(s) will be presented at a special residents’ event in late spring.

SSC Site Review and Reporting Process update

Doctors of BC Engagement Partner Ronnie Hamman informed the group that each member will receive a survey regarding the Site Review and Reporting Process. This provides an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of the Facility Engagement Initiative. She will facilitate discussion about the survey’s findings at the next senior leadership team meeting.

Next meeting

The group will meet again on February 9. An update on the work of the Engaging Physicians in Indigenous Cultural Safety Task Group is expected, along with discussion about the Site Review and Reporting Process.

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