Division using funding to tackle systemic barriers to wellness

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Like their colleagues in other divisions and departments, physicians working in General Internal Medicine are experiencing high levels of burnout. The division head, Dr. Nadia Khan, has made physician wellness a division priority and appointed Dr. Lawrence Chow as wellness champion for the VGH group. “Our approach has been to differentiate between burnout and wellness,” said Dr. Chow, who identified four other colleagues at VGH to be part of a … Read More

New strategic plan guides VPSA actions

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The Vancouver Physician Staff Association has a new strategic plan. The plan, which has been endorsed by the board, will guide VPSA’s actions over the next three years. “VPSA’s funding is intended to foster meaningful consultation and collaboration between its members and VCH,” said the association’s president, Dr. Alison Harris. “To that end, we have updated our strategic pillars and created a five-year vision along with the priorities we need … Read More