VMDAS/VPSA AGM speakers unanimous in gratitude to members

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VMDAS and VPSA members gathered in person and online December 12 for the organizations’ joint annual general meetings. The meeting began with a special Indigenous welcome from Squamish Nation Elder Xwechtaal Dennis Joseph who offered a song, prayer, and drumming.  From President Dr. Alison Harris through guest speakers VMAC Chair Dr. M. Raju Heran, VCH President and CEO Vivian Eliopoulos, and CMA President-Elect Dr. Kathleen Ross, the shared theme was … Read More

More physicians join committees and task groups

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VPSA is pleased to welcome six physicians who have joined our Engaging Physicians in Indigenous Cultural Safety Task Group, the VA/VC Medical Staff Planetary Health Committee, and the VPSA Communications Committee. Dr. Shannon Turvey and Dr. Nori MacGowan are the new VPSA representative on the recently formed EPIC Task Group. Dr. Shannon Turvey is the new VPSA representative on the recently formed EPIC Task Group. She is a member of … Read More

December VPSA/VCH leaders meeting assesses first month of CST implementation

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VPSA board and staff meet monthly with VCH senior leaders. While the transition to CST was the main focus of the December 8 meeting, the group also discussed policy development and facilities for lactation at VCH, and was provided an update on the Special Services Committee’s site review and reporting process. CST update Dr. Raheem Kherani, chair of the VPSA CST Task Group, gave an overview of the ways the … Read More

Anesthesiology Department providing physicians with peer-to-peer support

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Physician wellness hits close to home for anesthesiologist Dr. Asim Iqbal. Five years ago, he was experiencing vision loss in his left eye. The cause was high levels of cortisol brought on by stress. “I actually felt fine; I thought everything was OK,” recalled Dr. Iqbal. “But, as the eye doctor said, physiology doesn’t lie. I’d always thought of myself as a stoic person but that was no defense against … Read More

VPSA funding Vancouver Community Long-Term Care commensality group

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There are 27 Long-Term Care Medical Coordinators working independently in their nursing homes throughout Vancouver Community. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, regular business meetings have been conducted online, and opportunities to meet in person are few and far between. “Medical Coordinators work in silos by the nature of their jobs, which is why I used to host quarterly in-person breakfast meetings,” said Medical Director of Long-Term Care for … Read More