New board presented at VMDAS/VPSA joint AGM

JillHealthcareLeave a Comment

VMDAS and VPSA have a new board of directors who were confirmed at the recent annual general meeting of the two associations. Dr. Alison Harris assumes the position of president, with past president Dr. Eric Yoshida now serving the board in an advisory capacity. Dr. Ka Wai Cheung (who previously served as a member-at-large) was elected as our vice president. Dr. Michael Nimmo remains as secretary with Dr. John Ridley continuing as treasurer. New to the board is Dr. Hui-Min Yang, who is a member-at-large. You can read more about each board member here.

“It is truly an honour to take on the role of VMDAS and VPSA president and to represent both organizations and the association’s allied health membership,” said Dr. Harris. “I’m looking forward to meeting most of you individually and taking on some of the challenges that we will no doubt be facing over the course of the next two years.”

Dr. Harris thanked retiring board members Dr. Simon Rabkin and Dr. Joy Masuhara for their important contributions as well as the current board members and staff for their work.

She continued, “Lastly, a huge debt of gratitude and many thanks go to Dr. Eric Yoshida who’s been a remarkable president over two very difficult years as his tenure has essentially been throughout Covid. The success of the recognition awards and the Hall of Honour are in a large part due to his dedication and commitment to the organization.”

In his remarks, Dr. Yoshida gave an overview of the accomplishments of the two organizations over the past year. You can read his president’s report in the VPSA 2021 Board of Directors Report.

“It has been an honour and a privilege serving you and I know I leave you in good hands with Dr. Harris,” he said, hinting that VMDAS will soon be unveiling special COVID-19 recognition appreciations.

The evening also featured a special presentation on planetary health by Dr. Andrea MacNeill and remarks from Doctors of BC President Dr. Matthew Chow.

VPSA is hoping to soon fill two vacant member-at-large positions with representatives from Vancouver Community. The board meets every two weeks (meetings are usually online every other Tuesday from 6 to 7 pm). Members-at-large can engage with VPSA task groups and committees as well as with our activities. However, there are no set responsibilities such as there are for the treasurer, secretary, vice president or president roles. Board members are renumerated at sessional rates for participation at and preparation for board meetings. Sound like the opportunity for you? Contact VPSA Initiative Manager Andrew Pinfold

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