Finding common ground: Collaboration increasing between VPSA physicians and their health authority

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Every month leaders from the 1,900-member Vancouver Physician Staff Authority (VPSA) and Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) sit down to talk over mutual issues. They come to each meeting with an intentional focus that was agreed to by both groups and they rotate who chairs the meeting between VCH Interim President and CEO Vivian Eliopoulos and VPSA Managing Director Dr. York Hsiang. There is lots to talk about; both see physician … Read More

Chief Medical Health Officer updates members on COVID-19 vaccinations

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VCH’s Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Patty Daly was the guest speaker at the February 1st VMDAS quarterly meeting. Dr. Daly spoke about the COVID-19 vaccination rollout and took questions from the virtual audience. “Canada,” she noted, “has purchase order agreements for more doses of vaccine per capita than any other country in the world. But, because there is no ability to manufacture vaccines in our country, we are reliant … Read More

VPSA members vote to amend bylaws

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The Vancouver Physicians Staff Association will soon be able to have broader representation on its board thanks to bylaw amendments that were approved at the February 1, 2021 Special General Meeting. “The current bylaws are quite restrictive in terms of who can serve on the VPSA board,” said President Dr. Eric Yoshida. “Under the current rules, only members of the active staff can be part of the executive. Most family … Read More