Approaching Indigenous cultural safety with curiosity and humility

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“We call upon those who can effect change within the Canadian health-care system to recognize the value of Aboriginal healing practices and use them in the treatment of Aboriginal patients in collaboration with Aboriginal healers and Elders where requested by Aboriginal patients.” – Call to Action #22, Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada When it comes to providing healthcare to Indigenous peoples, it is vital that physicians and other medical … Read More

Ministry of Health remuneration

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Since March 15, Medical Staff Associations (MSAs), Divisions of Family Practice, health authorities (HAs), and other primary care partners throughout the province have taken and continue to take action to rapidly reorganize and stand up services in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the height of the pandemic, the Ministry of Health (MoH) and Doctors of BC were working behind the scenes to clarify how physician planning time would be … Read More

Driving change for planetary health

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We are in the midst of one of the most challenging periods of our lifetime. COVID-19 has opened our eyes to worldwide threats to our health. Yet it also provides the opportunity for a global reset as we prepare to face the greatest public health threat of the 21st century: climate change. The need for physicians to take a leadership role was the focus of the third session of My … Read More

Learning to feel secure in a time of insecurity

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Coping with uncertainty has been a huge challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is especially true for physicians who feel they are expected to be strong in the face of adversity. Developing skills to counter stress was the focus of mindfulness and other wellness sessions the VPSA offered physicians over the spring. Weekly mindfulness workshops, which were developed and led by Dr. Rahul Gupta, received glowing responses from participants. They … Read More

On and off the frontline: Photos show colleagues’ alter egos

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Photography is a long-time passion of VGH anesthesiologist Dr. Cyrus McEachern. During the early days of the pandemic, he and colleague Dr. Andrea Brovender brainstormed the idea of exploring artistically how workplace stress was affecting their personal lives. The result is Behind the Mask—18 images of Dr. McEachern and his colleagues that are spliced to show them both at work and doing things they love away from the hospital. The … Read More