Every picture tells a story: Behind the Mask photos soon to be displayed

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Earlier this year anesthesiologist Dr. Cyrus McEachern captured glimpses of his colleagues at work and at play. The project garnered considerable media attention and motivated VPSA to work with the VGH and UBC Hospital Foundation to display some of the photos in the hallway between ICU and the pre-operative care centre at VGH. VPSA members were invited to vote on their favourite photos; the top 10 of 18 will soon be inspiring staff and visitors.

“The photos were intended to show the human side of my colleagues—that we have lives outside of our work and that we are all juggling demands,” said Dr. McEachern. “Physicians aren’t good at sharing what’s going on in their lives and how it impacts them. Burnout is a very real concern in our profession, and I wanted to show that we need to support each other.”

The top 10 photos were revealed at a recent VPSA physician appreciation lunch at VGH. The photos were accompanied by statistical information about the incidence of suicide in each of the specialties where the subjects work. Sadly, suicide is a real concern amongst physicians and groups like VPSA are working to improve the physician work environment and physician wellbeing.

“We were pleased that so many members participated in the voting process; it clearly indicated that the photos resonated with you,” said VPSA Managing Director Dr. York Hsiang. “It was also a pleasure to work with the hospital foundation on this special project. We are interested in learning more about physicians’ hidden talents and encourage you to drop us a line by email or by using the comment box in the Physician Hub for Engagement and Wellness at VGH.”

The Doctors of BC Facility Engagement Initiative survey was also highlighted at the recent physician appreciation luncheon.

“It’s important for us to hear your thoughts on what is working well and what needs improving,” added Dr. Hsiang. “Please take the survey by August 31 so we can respond better to your needs.”

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