VPSA welcomes newest physicians to join the Vancouver Community of Care

Vancouver MSAHealthcareLeave a Comment

To make our newest colleagues feel valued and welcomed, the Vancouver Physician Staff Association hosted a New Physician Meet & Greet on June 18. Ten physicians who will join us over the summer months attended and networked with 24 more senior staff. The event was a result of feedback from physicians who wanted to improve the onboarding experience.

“Those comments are what led to the formation of VPSA’s Onboarding Committee,” Dr. Emily Pang, committee co-chair told the assembled physicians. “Our aim is to improve the process and make it more straightforward. To that end, we’re developing an orientation manual to help with the paperwork and that will also identify some of the perks of being a physician at VCH.”

“We want to connect our new colleagues with ones who have been here longer and are creating a list of physicians who are volunteering as buddies,” added co-chair Dr. Marthe Charles. “Buddies will get together over coffee and chat about Vancouver, our work place and offer tips to help smooth over any rough edges of the current onboarding experience.”

New physicians react

“I appreciate that the VPSA reached out to new hires across disciplines and hosted an orientation and welcome event,” said Dr. Gelareh Noureddin, who will join our Ophthalmology Department on August 1. “Every new chapter in one’s career comes with exciting and sometimes unknown challenges. It was helpful of the VPSA to host this event to give new hires an opportunity to come together, to share experiences with one another and with those who have come before us, and to create a sense of community.”

“I moved to Vancouver recently after training in Victoria. The Meet & Greet was a chance to meet people I’ll be working with soon,” added Dr. Brian Scarth, Family and Community Practice, who starts July 5.

Senior physicians offer words of encouragement

“We’re beginning a dialogue today that will continue over many years,” said Dr. Simon Rabkin, president of the Vancouver MSA as he welcomed the newcomers. “I encourage you to take the opportunities VPSA and MSA offer to get involved and provide input and insights.”

Noting the challenge of a large organization to appear like home, Vice President, Medicine, Dr. Patrick O’Connor also encouraged the assembled guests to get involved. “I hope you will step up and be an informal leader, if not a formal one, over the course of your career.”

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